Marble floors receive a lot of wear and tear and may develop scratches or etch marks over time. These blemishes are difficult to remove with DIY cleaning methods and require expert attention.
Regular marble polishing Manhattan, NY, of floors, benchtops, and countertops helps restore these surfaces to their original appearance. Discover the numerous advantages of regular marble polishing with these few examples:
Scratches on marble surfaces can be hidden with regular polishing. First, wet a soft cloth with mild dish soap in warm water. To remove scratches from the stone, rub the affected area with a clean and dry cloth and then rinse the stone. Repeat the process until the scratch disappears completely.
Protective mats and walk-off rugs are best to avoid scratches on polished marble floors. Also, do not sit or stand directly on the marble; use a cushioned chair or ottoman. Placing protective pads under china, ceramics, silver, or other decorative items that might scratch the surface.
Commercial marble stain remover products can help greatly with this problem, but you can also make your poultice using sodium bicarbonate (baking soda). Slowly mix one tablespoon of ammonia and half a cup of hydrogen peroxide with the baking soda until it has a thick consistency. To treat the affected area, use a clean paintbrush to apply the poultice, then securely cover it with plastic wrap. Allow the poultice to remain in place for 12-24 hours.
If your marble is in a high-traffic area, it may need to be re-polished more frequently. Aside from the obvious traffic impact, the amount of grit and sand carried in by shoes also impacts how often your marble needs to be polished.
Stains from spilled foods and liquids like coffee, soda, juices, vinegar, and even certain cleaners can etch your marble. Light etch marks can usually be removed with a little marble polishing powder, but deep etching will require resurfacing your marble surface.
Stains can also be caused by ingredients in makeup, peanut butter, margarine, and milk that seep into the stone. Lukewarm water and a small concentration of ammonia can remove these stains. Sanding the surface and applying a high-quality stone paste wax might be necessary for stubborn stains. To safeguard the surface and avoid further stains, it’s crucial to act quickly when dealing with stains on natural stone. Firstly, it is crucial to identify the issue and take prompt action to avoid any possible damage or expensive repairs.
Despite being naturally sturdy, marble surfaces may lose their shine over time due to dust and pollutants. Regular polishing eliminates these contaminants, improving indoor air quality and extending the life of marble surfaces.
Suppose you have a marble surface that has become dull from etch marks (the result of an acidic substance like lemon juice, wine, tomato sauce, or cleaning products). Restoring its beauty with specialized stone polishing products is possible in that case. By following these steps, you can prevent additional harm to the marble and minimize the expenses of future repairs.
Please note that the standard polished finish of marble is achieved through machine tools at the factory, not recrystallization. However, most people in the stone industry need to learn this and use recrystallization to make marble look shiny. It is also important to remember that etch marks can be removed much more easily than staining because the original shiny finish remains.
Marble surfaces can easily lose their shine if not cleaned with the right products or improperly polished. Standard marble polishing restores the shine of marble surfaces and improves indoor air quality. It reduces allergens, irritants, and mold. It also protects against mildew growth and extends the life of marble surfaces.
To avoid damaging the marble when cleaning, always use a clean, dry rag or chamois to wipe the cleaner off the marble surface. Do not use vinegar, bleach, or scrubs; they can etch the marble and damage its shine.
If the marble has stains, remove them before polishing using a homemade poultice. Mix one tablespoon of ammonia with half a cup of hydrogen peroxide and add enough baking soda to achieve a thick paste. Apply the poultice to any stains and wrap it in plastic (with edges taped down). Leave the poultice on the marble for 12-24 hours before removing.