Getting your own place together can be exciting, but it can also be stressful. You’ll have to figure out what furniture you’re going to keep and what you’re going to get rid of; and if you’re starting fresh in your new home, you might need to find new essentials like pots and pans, bedding and dinnerware. This guide provides 10 tips on how to decorate your first home as a couple that will save you time, money and stress during the process.
1) Bring your tastes together
- Talk about your taste in décor beforehand. Do you prefer a more modern look or a traditional feel? Are you into bright colors or do you prefer neutrals? Knowing each other’s tastes will help make the decision-making process easier.
- Combine your furniture. If you’re both moving into a new place, start fresh with new furniture. If you’re combining two existing households, try to mix and match pieces to create a cohesive look.
- Agree on a color scheme. Once you know each other’s décor preferences, it’ll be easier to choose a color scheme that you both love. Try to stick to two or three main colors and use accents to add pops of color throughout the space.
2) Set a budget and stick to it
The first step to take when decorating your first home as a couple is to set a budget and stick to it. This will help you avoid overspending on items that you may not need and help you focus on the items that are most important to you. When setting your budget, be sure to factor in the cost of furniture, paint, flooring, and any other materials you may need.
Once you have your budget set, start looking for pieces that fit your style and that you can both agree on. Don’t be afraid to mix and match different styles to create a space that is unique to you. And finally, don’t forget the little things like curtains, rugs, and pillows which can add character and comfort to your new home.
3) Pick furniture that grows with you
Moving in with your significant other is a big step in any relationship. Once you’ve decided to take the plunge, there’s the fun task of decorating your new home together. While it can be tempting to splurge on all new furniture, it’s important to pick pieces that will grow with you as a couple.
4) Coordinate, don’t clash
Moving in with your partner is a big step in any relationship. And while it’s an exciting time, it can also be a bit daunting, especially when it comes to decorating your new home. After all, you want it to reflect both of your styles while still feeling like a cohesive space.
5) Let personality shine through
As you start the process of picking out furniture and decorations for your first home together, it’s important to keep your own personal style in mind. After all, this is YOUR home too!
6) Consider home renovation projects
Renovating your first home together can be a fun bonding experience. But it can also be stressful if you’re not on the same page about your vision for the space.
Here are 10 tips to help you and your partner navigate the home renovation process -Discuss all projects with your partner before jumping in headfirst
Put up dividing lines: If you disagree, try this approach—use a physical divider or tape that divides the room so each person has their own zone
Plan budget ahead of time: It’s always easier to spend money when you know how much money is in your bank account
Do more than one project at once: Break down large projects into smaller, less daunting tasks by tackling them simultaneously (For example, painting one room while getting new flooring installed)
Take an interest inventory: Once you figure out what both of you want in the house, make sure they complement each other well instead of overlapping too much or going in different directions
7) Put time into your design plan
- Before you start shopping, sit down with your partner and decide on a design aesthetic that you both agree on. This will make the shopping process much easier and less stressful.
- figure out what pieces of furniture you need and where they will go in your new home. Make a list or sketch out a floor plan to help you visualize the space and get an idea of what you need to buy.
- Once you have an idea of what you need, start shopping around for furniture and décor that fits your budget and style. Be sure to compare prices and look for sales or discounts to get the best deals.
- Once you have all your new belongings, it’s time to start putting everything together.
8) Stay on top of purchases
- Keep a running list of what you need.
- Decide what you can live without and be willing to splurge on items that will make your life easier or more enjoyable.
- Make a budget and stick to it.
- Shop around for the best deals.
- Be patient – good deals don’t come along every day.
- Don’t be afraid to ask for help from family and friends.
- Enjoy the process!
9) Watch for sales, DIY, and free finds
So you’re moving in together! Congrats! Here are a few tips to help you decorate your first home as a couple on a budget: -Follow the store’s social media for updates on new arrivals, discounts, and deals.
-Visit your local thrift shop or flea market and get creative with what you find. You might just find an expensive piece of furniture or piece of art that’s in need of some TLC. Just make sure it passes the test with your partner before purchasing anything too expensive.
-Don’t be afraid to use paint, wallpaper, and wallpaper paste as they can often be found at low prices at stores like Lowes or Walmart. Plus, when using these products, if you don’t like the way it looks after one coat then all you have to do is peel it off without damaging any walls.
10) Keep an open mind
Starting the decorating process for your first home can be both exciting and daunting. It’s a blank canvas where you and your partner can really make your mark and design a space that truly reflects both of your personalities.
However, it’s important to keep an open mind during the process. After all, you’re going to be spending a lot of time in this space together so it’s important that you both feel comfortable with the final result.